What is STN?

STN stands for the Student Scientific Society [Studenckie Towarzystwo Naukowe] – a student-led organisation that brings together those who are particularly interested in academic development. The Society:

  • integrates the scientific activity of NCU Collegium Medicum students,
  • cooperates with other societies of similar character,
  • provides students with optimal conditions for scholarly development,
  • coordinates and supports the activity of Student Research Clubs,
  • creates rankings and summaries for the university authorities,
  • obtains funding for students’ scientific activity,
  • co-organises many national and international scientific events,
  • and many more

The academic career of many of our professors and doctors began within STN

What is SKN?
SKN stands for Student Research Club [Studenckie Koło Naukowe] – a student-led unit functioning within any of our university departments. It brings together students who wish to improve their knowledge and skills in a given area of medicine, and encourages student initiatives. Each SKN is supervised by an academic teacher or researcher

How to establish an SKN?
The following steps should be taken in order to create a new SKN:

  1. Find a university department within which the SKN would be functioning.
  2. Find a teacher or researcher who would agree to supervise the SKN.
  3. Fill out the application form for establishing an SKN (available on the website).
  4. Submit the application form to the seat of STN or leave it at the Reception Desk of Student House no. 2 with a note “to STN”.
  5. Fill out the online SKN registration form and register SKN members.

How to join an SKN?
The following steps should be taken in order to join an existing SKN:

  1. Explore the list of currently active SKNs available on this website and find the SKN whose area of interest you find appealing.
  2. Contact the head of the SKN and ask them for details concerning the recruitment/registration of new members.
  3. You might be asked to attend a meeting of SKN members in person.
  4. Fill out the application form for becoming a member of STN of NCU Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz (available on the website).
  5. Head of the SKN will obtain the missing signature of the supervisor for you.
  6. Submit the completed application form to the seat of STN or leave it at the Reception Desk of Student House no. 2 with a note “to STN”.
  7. Fill out the online member registration form.
  8. Applications are considered separately by SKNs, so if you wish to join another SKN, the above procedure must be repeated.

What are the duties of the head of an SKN?
The head serves as a link between SKN members and STN management. His/her duties include:

  • submitting annual reports on the functioning of the SKN;
  • updating the list of SKN members;
  • notifying STN about any changes within the SKN (e.g. change of supervisor, head or contact information);
  • overseeing the academic and research activity together with the supervisor;
  • organising regular meetings of SKN members and informing/reminding them about their responsibilities and assignments

What opportunities do I have as a member of STN?
Membership in an SKN opens up a lot of new and interesting opportunities, such as:

  • participation in research studies carried out by university departments;
  • carrying out your own research studies under academic supervision;
  • possibility to apply for extra funding for your research;
  • possibility to apply for reimbursement of costs related to participation in scientific conferences;
  • participation in duty hours and workshops offered by many departments and allowing students to improve their practical skills;
  • participation in training workshops and courses organised by STN (e.g. interpretation of ECG results, preparation and delivery of presentations, etc.)

Being an SKN member provides you with a wonderful opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and skills, as well as new friends with whom you can share your hobbies and interests

I have actively participated in a scientific conference. Can I apply for reimbursement of expenses?

If you are a member of STN and you present the results of your research at scientific conferences, you can apply for reimbursement of expenses. You can do this by submitting – no later than two weeks before the conference – a relevant application to STN together with documents confirming your participation and the abstract of your presentation. If you application is processed successfully, you will be asked to submit documents presenting your expenses. Detailed regulations pertaining to the reimbursement of conference-related expenses are available on the website

Can I apply for a grant/funding for my research?

Each year, we issue a call for applications for the financing of Student Research Studies (SBN – Studenckie Badania Naukowe) by STN or the university. If you are a student or a doctoral student and have an idea for a research study, you can apply for SBN. Deadline for applying expires on 31 December of each year. Detailed information concerning the possibility to apply is announced at the beginning of each academic year. But you don’t have to limit yourself only to university financing. If you believe that your research might be innovative and original, you can apply for external financing. A regularly updated list of possible funding sources is available on the website

How to contact us?

Usually, duty hours of members of the STN Board take place once a week in STN office (ul. Jagiellońska 13, Student House no. 2, room 21). Duty hours – announced on STN website or Facebook fan page – are a perfect opportunity to talk about any issues related to STN. You can also contact us via e-mail at stncmumk@gmail.com

How to become a member of STN Management Board?

The term of office of the STN Board lasts two years. When it ends, a general assembly is being held, during which new members of the Board are elected. If you wish to become one, apply as a candidate and enlist the support of STN members, each of whom has one vote. Currently, the STN Board includes the following functions: president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and board members. If someone resigns from any of those functions, by-elections are held, providing you with another opportunity to become a member of the STN Board